How To Make Text Curve in Photoshop in 2 Simple Ways

how to make text curve in photoshop

Do you want to know how to make text curve in Photoshop? There are 2 methods you can use to make the text curve in Adobe Photoshop and of course, you can follow it easily even if you are not familiar with the software.

Nowadays, creativity has become mandatory in the digital era and you have to thrive for a spectacular visual design that can sell to people. Another way you can try to get an awesome design is by using the text curve.

Plain headlines or text won’t be able to give you the creativity you wanted. You need to add some tweak, which is a curve to add more variations into the design,

Through this article, Dropicts will teach you how to make the text curve in Adobe Photoshop. All you need to do is follow the instructions below and you will nail the new skill in design.

How To Curve Text in Photoshop in Simple Way?

Adobe Photoshop is perhaps the only image editing app that you will ever need. It has all the basic tools and even advanced ones that you will need to satisfy your image editing needs.

In this case, you will all the tools you need to create a curved text. You can utilize tools such as pen tool, text tool, path selection tool, and other.

Here are several methods to create curve text in Photoshop.

1. Using Warp Text Tool

In the 1st method, we will curve the text by using the “Warp Text” tools. To get there, you can try to follow these steps:

  • Make a new file in Adobe Photoshop and then set the document name as you wish. For example, let’s name it “Test 1”.
  • You also need to do some adjustments to width and height. Set the width to 800 px and height to 500 px.
  • Still, in the opening preset, change the “Background Contents” to white. Click OK once you are set.
  • Go to the “Text” tool (T), type your text. For practice, you can just type “Testing”.
  • Select the text layer and make sure the “Text Type” tool is still active. Then, click the “Create Warped Text” icon, you can find it in the toolbar.
  • Once you see the “Warp Text” setting window, change the “Style” to Arc. Set the “Bend” value to +20% and click OK.

Your text is curved now! It is easy and simple, right? If you want to make it curvier, you can just simply add more bends in the existing curved path to it to get the perfect curve.

Also Read: How to Make 3D Text in Photoshop in The Easy Ways

2. Using Ellipse Tools

In the 2nd method, we will use the “Ellipse” tool (U) to bend the text. In addition, you can also pen tool to do the trick, but using the ellipse tool is just much simpler. Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Make a new document and do the same thing for the preset settings as the 1st method.
  • Go to the “Ellipse” tool and draw a curved line of 710 px x 270 px. Make sure that the “Shape” mode is on or you can find it in the toolbar.
  • Now, select the “Text” tool (T) and hover at the edge of the curved line. Your cursor should turn into a text cursor by now. Click on the edge of the ellipse to create a text layer. Type “Testing” there.
  • For the last step, you can hide the ellipse shape by clicking the eye icon on the layers window, and you are settled!

That’s all the information we can give you about how to make text curve in Photoshop. You will find all the tools you need to create a curved text in Photoshop. Just follow the steps slowly and make yourself familiar with all the Photoshop tools needed. You can also use other resources, such as video tutorial, to help you make text curve in Photoshop.

Also Read: Editing Tips: How to Make a Pattern in Photoshop

If you still find it difficult to make it, just give the task to Dropicts. We provide professional photo editing services and can help you create any design you want. We can proceed with the ideas you had in mind!

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