How to Cut a Person Out of a Photo Using Adobe Photoshop

how to cut a person out of a photo

How to cut a person out of a photo using Adobe Photoshop is not that hard. You don’t even need to take a lesson or course to be able to cut a person out of a photo. In this article, we will teach you how to cut a person out of a photo using Adobe Photoshop in only 3 steps. These steps are easy to follow!


How to Cut a Person Out of a Photo in Only 3 Steps

Before we explain how to cut a person out of a photo, it will be much better if you already use a green screen when you take your photo. A green screen can make the cutting job easier and it won’t cost much time rather than cutting a person out of a photo with the background. Even you are not using a green screen, you still can do the following steps:


1. Cutting Step

First of all, after you insert the image you want to cut, you can pick the ‘quick selection tool’ on Adobe Photoshop to cut the person out. You can just select every part of the person in the picture with that tool. You can hold your left-click while selecting the part. Don’t forget to zoom in if the person in the picture is small and it’s hard for you to use the ‘quick selection tool’ to cut the person out of a photo.


2. Checking on Detail Step

After you select the part of the person in the photo, there must be some part that still not selected yet or the line is over from your selecting part. So, all you need to do is continue the cutting line until every part of the person has selected. You can do alt + left-click to delete the leftover cutting line out of the person. Make sure that the cutting line is clean and perfect. 

Read also: Benefits To Retouch Your Photos

3. Finishing Step

What is your purpose to cut a person out of a photo? Are you gonna try to delete it? Or you want to duplicate the person. If you want to delete the person part, you can just simply press delete and the original image will leave an empty space of it. Otherwise, if you want to duplicate the person in the same image or you want to copy it to the other image, you can make a new layer and copy-paste the cutting part in there. 


Still Hard To Cut It? Just Give It to the Expert

It is easy right to cut a person out of a photo? All you need to do is only one tool which is the ‘quick selection tool’. If you use a green screen for your background, you don’t need to deselect the over-the-line because Adobe Photoshop can automatically detect the person in the picture with one single press button. Give your photo to Dropicts if you still find it hard to cut it or you want a clean-cut for your professional photo retouching.

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