What is the jewelry photography kit you need to prepare if you want to capture those tiny things? Maybe some of you also think: “Do I have to spend a lot of money to get an upstanding picture of jewelry?”
Everyone should have known already that jewelry is a part of elegance and beauty. Then, the most important thing to prepare to show off the beauty of jewelry is by using some good equipment.
Now, back to your question, the answer depends on how good the camera quality is, do you have good natural lighting resources, etc. Let’s check what do you need to take an upstanding jewelry picture.
Jewelry Photography Kit You Need to Prepare
Overall, to do jewelry photography, you need to prepare these 4 items below. We will also give you the best recommendations product you can use to get the best picture.
1. Camera
Any camera can be used for jewelry photography, but it will be better if you can get a specific feature that can capture the diamond reflection (if there’s any), and some detail on the jewelry. The feature you need is a camera with decent macro capability, a good sensor, and mid to high resolution.
If you still don’t have a camera, you might want to try Nikon D3300 that has a light body and is easy to use for beginners, or you can use Canon EOS Rebel SL1 that has a touchscreen feature and an optical viewfinder. Surprisingly, you can also use iPhone 12 Pro because its camera feature is capable to do macro capture.
2. Lighting
The lighting equipment you need is not different from the lighting that is usually used at the studio. You can also try to take a picture under the sunlight that can give a radiance around the jewelry. Lighting is the most important component in jewelry photography. That’s why, you need to prepare it well not just from the equipment, but also which angle is the best in jewelry photography.
Read also: Having photoshoot for your jewelry product? Read this!
3. Tripod
Yes, you also need the tripod to support the jewelry photo session. You can just use the tabletop tripod or if it’s using a model, you can use the standing tripod.
4. Background
The last equipment kit for jewelry photography is a backdrop or softbox. Same as a tripod, each background has a different purpose. You will need a backdrop if it’s a jewelry photo shoot with a model. Eitherway, you can just use a softbox for macro photography.
Read also: Editing Jewelry Product Photos with Perfectly
All of the jewelry photography kits above (except for the camera) are easy to find and of course, will not cost you much money. After the photo session, you still need some editing to get a better result.
If you need any editing service for your jewelry photoshoot pictures, just let Dropicts handle it. We are a professional image editing and photo retouching service. You can contact us for more details about our services or just visit product image editing. We will give the best service in editing your jewelry pictures!