“If you want to see me cry, just come to a photo shoot.” This quote is taken from Ms. Fiona Apple, an American Musician. This quote expresses that photoshoot could be that easy for one who doesn’t prepare it well, because planning a photoshoot can take weeks, even months to prepare. The more time you give yourself, the less stress and better shape you will be in come shoot day.
5 Most Important Tips Before Photoshoot
So, good photoshoot could ensure that it is a success. Then, here we are, giving you 5 most important tips you should prepare before your long-day of photoshoot. Let’s get to the list!
1. Create Your Vision board
If you think vision boards are bogus, then the joke’s on you. They work, and there’s actually a really simple explanation of why they work so well. That’s what Elizabeth Rider told on Huffington Post about Vision Board. Well, basically, vision board could help you to stay focus and make you away from your demanding habit. From this you can create a ‘Shot list’ of shot looks you would like to emulate. Make sure you already share it with your photographer/stylist/models ahead of time.
2. Choose Your Photographer
Be sure you select the RIGHT photographer. Right is not always meaning the expert and high budget. Choose photographer is really important, as important as choosing your life-time partner. First, search some photographer that suitable to your concept. It means, make sure they are having experience and portfolio with common subject. Then, choose a few photographer that can be suitable to your cost. After that, tell them about your plan, then choose which one that can pursue your heartbeat and help you keep up with expectation.
3. Choose the Model, Make Up Artist and Stylist
Not every model could represent your product. It needs love to be there, also need connection to make your product shine brighter. Don’t worry to call the top model agencies as they may be willing to send you some of their newer models who need work. It’s also working to the make up artist and stylish. Make sure they get the point about their measurement, how to make the product is having value more than the model and make up. Put your product on the top. Dominant model and make up or maybe wardrobe could break your product, whatever the product is.
Read also : Choosing the Right Fashion Model Photoshoot
4. Location Does Matter!
Location will play a huge role in your end shot look. Find out your location ahead of time and plan the areas you will want to shoot. Also make sure about the time, many things we should consider, it’s all about lighting of sun, wind blow and weather. Most outdoor shots are best done either very early morning or late afternoon/sunset time, not too bright but not too dark.
Easy? Of course it’s not. But try it! Best of luck from dropicts as a professional image or photo retouching services, fellas!