If you’re selling products online, what would you expect from your customer? Buying it? Searching for some information about your product? Skeptic? Or what else? If you are expecting your customer to want to buy your product, you have to give a perfect introduction to attract the first impression from your customer by making great e-Commerce product photography.
To attract your customer’s first impressions, you need to stimulate the five senses from them that shopper would normally rely on to make a purchase decision in-person, or to increase the odds that they will actually put the items to basket. So one of the best ways is creating a great product photo that you will put on the product page. By doing this, the website visitors can see it and hopefully will affect their shopping experience.
Tips For Your Product Photography for eCommerce
A customer may not know your product inside – out as you do. But they know how to seek out information that will inform and steer their buying decisions like reading an editorial, watching online reviews, etc. Therefore, presenting your products through quality photography enables an e-commerce retailer to add value and worthiness for the businesses. Creating these images may seem easy if you hire a professional product photographer for your eCommerce store. But, if you want to make it yourself, here are some simple product photography tips to make great product photographs that look like professional photo:
1. Backdrop
Simple thing you could prepare by yourself, is a white photo backdrop. It will help you to simplified your post-production process especially when you want to removing the white photo background.
2. Setting Up the Product
Of course, you need to setting up your product for a stable shooting. You can use tape, glue dots, fishing line or other help materials to fix the position of your product. But remember, your background should be white.
3. Photography Angles
The camera angles is relative, it will referring to your product. You should shoot a variety of angles to make your product look most presentable to consumers.
Read also: Cool Photo Edit Ideas for You
4. Post-Production Process
Last but not least, post-production process is really important to add value to your product. Often, the lighting or background are not perfect, and post-production process can help to fix it. Post-production process can be as simple as background removal, retouching, or maybe as complex as color correction.
Let say, good product photography for e-Commerce is really important to your e-commerce business. But, it’s not only the photography process. You need to beautify your product photos through the post-production process, so it can produce stunning presentation of your product image.
If, you’re still confused how to presenting your product that can increasing customers buying decision? Dropicts as a professional image or photo retouching can help you out from your confusion
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