One of the most favorable photography modes is panoramic yet many photographers find it challenging to master because they do not own an adequate lens. However, you should not be insecure anymore because stitch pictures are available to create an excellent panoramic photo. Want to learn more about stitching pictures? Let’s keep reading, shall we?
What is Stitch Pictures?
Stitch pictures are combining multiple image processes by overlapping fields of view. The purpose of this act is to produce a segmented panorama or high-resolution photo which generally are performed using software.
You can use this method once you have the exact overlaps between images. You need to have identical exposures to produce a seamless result. Therefore, picture stitching is flexible for any photographer even for people who only own a digital camera.
Recommended Lens for Stitching Pictures
Commonly, photographers believe that wide-angle lenses suit panoramic photography, but these lenses tend to mess up the process of stitching pictures. Therefore, choosing a standard lens or short telephoto is more beneficial.
You can select a lens between 40mm and 100mm to make a great picture. In addition, some photographers choose to use a lofty one. If the situation warrants it, choosing a 200mm lens is not a bad idea either.
Once the equipment is coherent, remove filters from your lens, especially the polarizers, since they can destroy the image quality. These filters are not recommended because they cause gradations across images which are intolerable to work with for the next process. Make sure to leave those unnecessary tools in your camera behind.
Techniques in Stitch Pictures
There are three main techniques used by photographers in stitching pictures. You can either choose one of them or combine two techniques altogether. To find which technique suits you best, check out the explanation below!
1. Exposure
Firstly, exposure is about how to adjust the lighting on your image. To get the appropriate one, take a few sample shots of your subject. If you want to make tones in landscape shooting, then meter off the brightest part of the scene and make sure the image is as bright as possible.
After that, take note of the numbers according to the subject using the exposure setting. Next step, use Manual mode set to your aperture and shutter speed regularly.
2. Focus
The second method you can use to stitch pictures is turning off the autofocus. Once you pan across the scene, you do not want the camera to grab a new focus every time. Therefore, set the focus one time in order to make a sharp subject and finish the series.
3. White Balanced
The last technique in stitching pictures is white balanced. First, set the white balance in the camera while using one preset. This is the easiest way because you do not have to use auto white balance.
In addition, the camera may decide every image varies lightly. This will result in the colors shifting among the final image of the panorama. Therefore, select the appropriate image and stick with it.
Factors in Making Stitch Pictures
In order to get the best results in stitch pictures, you must consider two factors:
A. Composition
Composition is one of the most important parts of panorama. Especially when you use the stitching pictures method. You must consider the composition well. If you have a vertical formatted photo, then you must stitch every image together with a great number of images altogether.
In addition, it will permit you to compose more negatives at the top and bottom. Therefore, the dead space is important so that you can go for a crop later. Do not forget to notice that the overlap of images must stitch perfectly. As a result, you will get beautiful stitch pictures of all time.
B. Shooting
The second factor is shooting. If you want to shoot, it is better to use a level tripod. You can benefit from this tool by panning your camera angle so that it will not shift up and down. Hold it carefully to keep the level consistent once you move across the shooting images for panoramic one.
As you begin the shooting, start with a full-frame on the landscape. This act will assure you to have negatives on the sides of the image. Then, pan right or left to begin the series. Try to overlap shots with a third to one-half of the frame. This will allow computers to detect the images and line them up.
Best Application for Stitching Pictures
As you may know, to stitch pictures you will need the suitable applications. There are several applications that are free to use! Let’s check them out.
1. Microsoft ICE
ICE stands for Image Composite Editor. Microsoft releases this application for image research labs and it is a well-made complement in the PhotoSynth technology. The application has interesting features that let you create image panorama from a video pan.
Furthermore, you can composite images that other applications do not provide. ICE is free for Windows and available as a program that is standalone or as a plugin in Photoshop.
2. Photo Stitcher
The second stitch pictures application comes with a paid version. PhotoStitcher is simple and intuitive to use. The application is capable of making great panoramic photography using their extensive features. It has an automatic mode that works very well and it can also handle multi-low panoramas.
You can choose the free trial version but of course the features are limited and only for basic editing. There are different versions for Mac and Windows. The good news is, they come with a very affordable price around $19.99.
Let’s Stitch Pictures to Make Great Panoramic Photography!
Stitch pictures are beneficial for people with no wide-lenses. However, technology is here to help you in creating great panoramic photography with simpler processes. Now you can enhance your photo quality using suitable techniques, factors, and applications.
Not only is the method useful, but also you can develop your creative skill. However, if you still find it challenging, we recommend you consider using a photo retouching service by Dropicts and let our team provide you with the beautiful panorama pictures!