Starting new business is not easy. Everybody knows that. But, not everybody knows that we can prevent it with many ways. A product launch takes time and careful planning, it’s also need a lot of preparation to make sure that their products are ready to be launched and showed.
As your all-in-one assistant, Dropicts will compile some strategies to help you embracing the advantages of your product and the sexiness inside your product story. Here we list some tips for you to prepare you product launch.
1. Targeting and Know Your Audience
Language, channels and information you use to communicate your product story more clearly. Defining our target can help us to find the way in our marketing strategic and give us vibes to connect us to our customer. This kind of way also will give us direction how to translate the story into something that easily for them to effectively get our point.
2. Embrace Your Uniqueness from Other Competitor
There are so many brand that maybe in common with our brand. We must ride the trend to make this brand growing fast and leads it to success. But most important thing is, what makes your brand different? Why they need to choose your brand than the others? Start seeing your competitor then try to figure out, what makes us better and different from them.
3. Give Them Chance to Try
Do you think it’s only about giving them some pleasure and becoming a bit? No, it’s not only about that. Creating a free trial is good for your trial-and-error phase, and let us know how this product would be. It’s also being a very critical stage, because you’ll be given to experiencing feedback that maybe will go more wrong in the future. It will give you chance to learn how to solve and how to handle the failure.
4. Choose your Key Opinion Leader
One of the way to make them believe on what we offer is letting them know it from their opinion leader. Because our thought is builded from the trust about what we usually see and experience. The KOL can lead us to shortcut into their mind and heart to think and feel then be willing to try our product to prove. It’s also hard to choose the KOL, you can see our another blog about KOL to help you choose your brand’s KOL.
Read also : Which KOL that is Suitable to Your Brand
5. Let Your Story Tells
You know about the story become your own product, right? Make us believe it by creating a substantial and interesting content to translate your story for them to listen. It may be not easy, but the easiest way to to convert your story becoming their favorite is be personal to them. Put yourself on their side and what makes them need to have your product. Because you’ll never know what they really want have before you know who they are having and wanting now.
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