How to Professionally Edit Photos in 7 Essential Steps

The world of photography does not just stop in the photo process. When you have finished photography, you need deeper observation and editing using a photo editing program. How to professionally edit photos?

The above question is often asked by people who are just starting their careers in the photography industry. They want to find out how to do proper photo editing. Dropicts has useful information for you here!


7 Steps How To Professionally Edit Photos

In total there are seven essential steps in editing photos. You can do these seven steps when you want to start the editing process. How to?


1. Choose Photo Editing Program

Currently, there are many software programs for photo editing, such as Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, or Capture One Pro. You can try all three first before choosing which one is the most appropriate.

However, for options commonly used by professional photographers, Lightroom and Photoshop are their mainstays. Lightroom itself is most often used for photo editing because it offers convenience in getting the most appropriate color composition.

Read also: 8 Free Photo Editing Software for You

2. Use Filters and Presets

You must be familiar with filters that can instantly give different color compositions in photos. Some photo editing programs already include these filters and presets. You can choose the most appropriate option if you want to do photo editing quickly.


3. Maximize Automatic Modes

Automatic modes are owned by some photo editing programs because they can immediately provide the most appropriate color composition, without having to use filters. When selecting automatic modes, the program will analyze your photos and provide suggested changes. Like it or not with the results, you can undo the changes.

Read also: Fundamental Right Images Editing Elements for Basic

4. Straighten Lines

Taking photos quickly to get the best moments sometimes makes the photo unbalanced or skewed. You can make the photo back straight with the features in it. So even if the photo is skewed, don’t worry. Photo editing programs can straighten it so that it becomes the perfect photo.


5. Adjust Colors

The saturation, contrast, hue, luminance, and vibrance of a photo can be adjusted in the photo editing program. In Lightroom, there is a tool called HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance). With this tool, you can easily adjust the colors of a photo to get maximum results.

Read also: Things to Consider When Choosing Good Photo Editing Companies

6. Adjust White Balance

You also need to adjust the white balance to give a warm or cool impression in the lighting of the photo. A tool called temperature can adjust the white balance of your photos. Move the temperature slider left for cooler tones or right for warmer tones.


7. Removing Clutter and Spots

Removing clutter and spots can be done easily and quickly in Lightroom and Photoshop. Usually, photographers prefer to do this step in Photoshop because it can provide more detailed and large results.

Have you found the answer now how to professionally edit photos? All of the above methods have often been done by professional photographers and you can do it too. If you still don’t get the right photo editing results, Dropicts comes with professional photo retouching services support. Dropicts is here for you with professional photo retouching services. Call us right now!

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