How to Handle Difficult and Angry Customers

How to Handle Difficult and Angry Customers

As accompanion for your brand, it’s also Dropicts’s responsibility to be with you in every condition. Be your best photo editor, be your e-commerce partner, be your visual consultant and also be your best back up player. Why? Because we believe that online and digital marketing pathway sometimes out of control about people’s hope and expectation. That’s why in our journey we’ll meet them who get disappointed, even angry about our services. But, sometimes, it’s not always our mistake that causes their disappointment.

how to handle difficult and angry customers

They are always blabbering about picture accuration to the real product. They are always getting angry for our slow response. They are also getting mad because they didn’t get the discount, even though we already explained the term and condition from the very beginning.


5 Things to Handle Difficult and Angry Customers

So how to handle difficult and angry customer? Here are 5 things that you have to do when your customer complaining from Dropicts. 


1. Put Yourself Inside The Border

Yes, you need some borders to not taking this into personal feelings. This thing will be so important to make us stop ourself from high tense and help us to solve the problem easier, also clearly. Put the manners in the front. Put your ego in the back of your back. Your self-controlling is the key and point.


2. Improve Your Listening Skill

how to handle difficult and angry customers by improve your listening skill

When you’re being someone’s anger target, we’re sure that you want to protect yourself and your brand. But hold it on until they finish yelling and shouting. Don’t cut their talk because it will make them more angry and make your self-defense goes wrong. Interruption make them feel like you’re not respect them and there’s no way for them to listen to your explaination too.


3. Always Put Some Apologizes

Yes, apologizing doesn’t always mean you’re wrong and other people is right. Apologizing just means that you value your relationship more than your ego. Moreover if it’s purely your error. Apologizing also makes them realize that they’re in a good hand and everything’s in under control.

Here are the sentences you can say.

a. “We’re so sorry for your inconvienience. Let us check your database to give you some solutions.”

b. “Mam, we’re so sorry for what happened. Let us help you to solve this problem.”

c. “We’re absolutly understand about your concern, we feel so sorry about that. Thank you so much.”

Make them feel like their complain is accepted, but make them understand about their condition. Try to put yourself on their side, then you could have some emphaty to solve their problem.

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4. Give Them Explaination

how to handle difficult and angry customers by give them explanation

Beside your error and problem in service, sometimes our customer didn’t read all of the explaination you told before. Tell them the truth that they need to read all the term and detail before and the cause of this error is written on the term and detail. Explain again the term clearly, try to give them the best solution, but don’t worry to tell them the worst that will happen.

Here are the sentences you can say.

a. “Excuse me, Mam. Did you read our term that we tell before?”

b. “I’m sorry for saying this, Mam. But, we already explain it on the term & condition.”

c. “Okay, Mam. Here’s the condition, (…………). We have to tell you that the worst that will be happened is (……)”

d. “Yes, Mam. That’s the condition. But, don’t worry. We’ll try to help you. But, we need you to prepare for the worst we tell.”


5. Let Them How To Avoid The Problem in Future

After they got the solution, please make sure they’re done with their problem and tell them how to avoid this problem to be happened in the future. Close your conversation by repeating the term and saying thank you for their concern that will make your relationship with your customer stronger. Remember that the best service can make them trust us more, even after the storm was gone.


Those are 5 things about how to handle difficult and angry customers. You can p Cheers!

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