You can find the answer to how to edit a photo to silhouette here. Silhouette photos do give a different atmosphere when presented. Especially if you make this silhouette photo a gift. It feels unique because it gives a different effect from the lighting side between the object and the background. This condition makes the object black. Luckily, you can turn your photos into silhouettes through Adobe Photoshop. Without the need to linger any longer, see the full explanation below.
How to Edit a Photo to Silhouette
How to make a silhouette photo in Photoshop is actually quite easy. You can do this by following the steps of Dropicts.
1. Create a New Document
The first step that you must take is to create a new document. Select the Adobe Photoshop application on your computer or laptop. Although there are several versions, you can use the one that matches the version on the laptop as it doesn’t require the latest technology or features either. Click Photoshop then open a new document to start the editing process.
We recommend that you create a new document with a width of 600 px and a height of 600 px with a resolution of 300 px as well as an 8-bit RGB color mode. If so, now is the time to go to the next step.
2. Create an Active Photo Layer
The photo you want to edit should have a high enough resolution. Why so? This is useful for showing much better edits. It cannot be denied that doing photo editing sometimes makes the photo resolution decrease.
Then it’s time to make the photo layer active. This method of making the active screen can be done by pressing Ctrl + Shift + L. If you have pressed the key combination, your photo object will look darker, while the object’s background will be slightly lighter.
Read also: How to Cut a Person Out of a Photo Using Adobe Photoshop
3. Start Photo Editing
Now is the time to start photo editing. You can select the Quick Selection Tool which must be available in Photoshop. This tool is useful to assist you in choosing which object to become a silhouette.
You can create a new layer again by pressing Ctrl + J. This layer is useful for turning the selected photo object as a silhouette into a new layer. We recommend that you don’t remove the eye icon in the photo layer section. This icon is useful for making the editing process even easier. If you don’t know where this icon is, it’s in the lower right menu of the layers section.
4. Overlay
If you have a new layer, you need to double-click on layer 1. This step is necessary to bring up the layer effects window. Once it appears, click the color overlay, then change the color to black. If so, the photo object will turn black.
To change the background of the photo object to be lighter, use the Polygonal Lasso Tool and the Eraser Tool then cut out the background.
Read also: 5 Tricks Using Photoshop as A Pro
5. Do the finishing
Now you can do the finishing by giving some other touches according to your taste. Easy, right?
So that’s an explanation of how to edit a photo to silhouette. If you really need a professional, don’t hesitate to contact Dropicts, which provides professional photo retouching services. With experience in taking care of various kinds of photoshoots and photo retouching for business, the silhouettes of your photos can be even more optimal.