Easy Tutorial: How to Add Drop Shadow in Photoshop

Easy Tutorial How to Add Drop Shadow in Photoshop

As a visual graphic designer, you should have already known how to add drop shadow in Photoshop. Do you familiar with this drop shadow effect?

Through this article, we will help you with some tutorials in adding a drop shadow in Photoshop. But before that, we are going to explain what is drop shadow and why you should know how to do it as a visual graphic designer.

What is Drop Shadow?

Did you ever wonder how those artists can turn the 2D image into 3D and make their design looks remarkable? That’s all because of the drop shadow effect.

The drop shadow effect can help you to obtain a 3D depth in a 2D image, as deep as you want. This effect will create an offset shadow behind the object in the 2D image that will help to create a 3D space.

In the creative industry, you must be aware that many companies or clients demand every visual designer to be able to create some design with drop shadows like that. Technically speaking, drop shadow design will look better and sell off if you use it for promotional purposes.

Now you know what the drop shadow effect is and how important it is to be added to your skill, right? That’s why let’s begin our tutorial to add drop shadow in Photoshop on the next information.

6 Steps of How to Add Drop Shadow in Photoshop

As a beginner, you don’t need to jump into a hardcore drop shadow design because all you need is the practice to make it perfect. That’s why for the starter, you can just begin with some headline 2D objects and we will try a simple method to turn them into 3D objects using drop shadow.

Throughout this tutorial, you will learn how to add a drop shadow using Adobe Photoshop in 6 steps only. Let’s check this tutorial out:

  1. Make a headline inside your canvas and turn it into an object.
  2. Now, right-click on the headline layer and select the “Drop Shadow” menu. You can find that “Drop Shadow” from the pop-up menu.
  3. Next, you can try to adjust the distance, opacity, spread, and size to find the right amount of shadow. You can just be creative with the shadow you want to make it look better in 3D image form.
  4. Don’t forget to set the angle of the drop shadow. You can use the clock face style adjustment tool to find the right angle.
  5. On the menu, you will find the “Global Light” box and check that. The “Global Light” will give a consistent look to the drop shadows.
  6. In the final step, you can try some contour and noise effects to make your design looks stupendous.

Read also: How to Remove Shadow From Photo

From the tutorials above, you find it very easy to add the drop shadow in Photoshop, right? All you need to do is practicing hard and be creative to become a master in making a 3D image from a 2D image.

If you still find it difficult to add a drop shadow, Dropicts can help anytime you need it. We can help you with the drop shadow effect or any editing purpose and you can just contact Dropicts as a professional photo editing services now through our website.


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