Just had product photo shoot and still feel that they’re so boring? Think that your product isn’t no longer interesting and need some improvement? Yes, it means your standard is increased and you need to lead your products go to another level. But how?
Well, it’s not easy but also not that hard. Now, Dropicts, as your professional photo retouching services is willing to be the part of your learning journey as an intermediate level of brand. We will share some tips for you to make your product photos look more interesting and ‘tempting’. We call it ‘4 Editing Alleys’. What are they? Let’s take a look to these following step and good luck!
1. Background Removal
Who says that a good product photoshoot is made in a nice studio with fancy camera and lighting? No. Your simple photoshoot in the floor with a good sun lighting and anti-shaking snap will also be as good as studio photoshoot. But, to make the photo more interesting, you need to make the product photo be more flexible. One of the way is remove their background. Make the product becoming a single layer to let it ready be collaborated with other ornament. If you ever feel bothered with fixing your photos one by one, you could always call for background removal services especially if those photos are going to be used commercially.
2. Color Correction
Photoshoot also allows the possibility for color error. The wrong set, lighting and angle can make your product color in the photo changes. Correcting the product’s color also be one of the alley you need to be through. Make sure every detail for your product displayed with correct colors and texture. Take your time to chect the color temperature, it may also be used to make a scene appear more natural by simulating the mix of color temperatures that occur naturally.
3. Retouching Image
People said that it’s the part of manipulating the picture. But no, it’s not about that. Retouching is used to make your picture looks more natural. Because sometimes we made mistake when we take the picture. So, here’s the way. Remove some noises and any other element that distract the focus of product. We also doing some creative photo retouching to make your product looks more interesting and uncommon. Some artist are doing this thing to make their picture looks artsy and unforgetable.
Read also: Good Picture Will be Perfect With Good Description
4. Customize Image Editing
This stage needs creativity. Why? Because in this stage, all you need is adding ornament, graphic, correct background until collaborate it with other picture. Put the pictures with other related product photo will help you to increase the value of the product. Good graphic also can increase the engagement from your audience. You need more like and comment? This stage will be a success alley. If you nailed this stage, you nailed the rest!
Wait… we have one more secret. You can skip 4 steps above. You just need to take a good picture and leave the rest to us. We’ll help you with that several stages to make your product having higher value and lead you to words ‘sold out’ with our professional photo editing services. Good luck for trying and hope this article helps you!
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