Product photos are the most important thing to increase sales in a business. Because as a consumer the first thing that is seen is a photo of each product, both in the menu.
A good beverage product photo is when someone who sees it will feel tempted and want to try it. Even when looking at the photo you will feel like you are looking at a fresh drink directly and make your throat feel thirsty.
Not just taking pictures, preparing product images must also be done properly because it has several other benefits. Here are some beverage photography tricks and suggestions that we have for photographers to be able to produce cool and amazing beverage photos.
How to Take Beverage Products to Make Them Engaging
Starting a culinary business requires the right strategy, including displaying product photos to consumers. The photo must be made as attractive as possible and appetizing. Starting from the details of the food to the overall shape of the food must be represented properly. Then you need to know interesting photo product photo techniques so that your product can attract potential customers.
1. Use Lighting
In photography, lighting has an important role in producing the best photos. One technique to try is to position the object between the main light source and the camera. This aims to increase the depth of the image to make it look sharper.
You can also use translucent clear glass, to create the effect of light splashing through the liquid. This will help you in snapping beverage products, especially syrup and milk. So, the visual appearance of the image looks clearer.
2. Pay Attention to the Shooting Angle
Pay attention to the shooting angle for beverage products, especially for details such as pieces of fruit in the drink. Taking pictures can be from the front, side, or above with a flat lay technique.
Taking from above will be appropriate for use, especially for those of you who want to take art pictures such as those in cappuccino, late, or other drinks. Even if you want to take detailed cold impressions on glass, you can position the camera from an angle or in front. This way of taking pictures and combining them with the right lighting will make your product photos more memorable.
3. Adding Color Accents
Most of the drinks generally consist of one color. However, to present an appetizing visual appearance, you can add other color accents. Apart from using light effects with certain colors, you can also use real compositions For example, in plain white beverage products. You can play with various color combinations, such as using patterned clear glass cups, and adding lemon slices or mint leaves to the drink to emphasize the fresh and inviting impression.
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4. Wear a Special Interesting Glass
Each drink has its glass. An easy example is, the glasses used for drinking tea, coffee, and juice are different, right? Therefore, make sure you have a special glass that fits the type of beverage product.
To highlight a drink, you can use an engraved glass cup and avoid using ordinary glass to make it look more unique. However, don’t forget to choose the shape and size of the glass material used. That way, you can get product photos that match your expectations.
5. Freeze the Glass to Produce Dew
If you want to promote cold and refreshing drink products, it is recommended to freeze the glass for 5 minutes first. So, when photographed, you will see dewdrops of ice running down the edge of the glass which gives a cold accent. Do not forget, also add ice grains to the drink to accentuate the fresh impression. An attractive color combination and supportive properties will make camera shots very eye-catching. Guaranteed anyone will feel interested in tasting it.
There are some tips for taking beverage photos for attracting consumers to buy your product. We hope this article can help you to take good photos of beverage products like a professional photographer. If you want to get your best experience with photo editing services, DROPICTS can help you to make your photos better and save more time. If you have any questions just hit us at
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